Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sticky time!!!!


Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

You are so good. I think you'll have fun with your troops.
The Indonesia one is really surprising, and somehow funny, to me too. xo

Jami said...

I don't know much about BSA but I am a Girl Scout leader. I just love it. But I don't wear any uniform, though I do have a cute hoodie I can wear if I get cold. :)

jayayceeblog said...

Glad you're back ... I've missed your post-it lessons. Great Scouting facts. Indonesia? Really???

Jessica said...

Sweet! I love scouting. I'm a member of the BSA and a venturing scout. Welcome to the cool club. ;)

Dazee Dreamer said...

WOW, I would never accept the calling of scout leader. But then, I'm a meany.

Baby Sister said...

@ Stewie - You should come be my partner...I'd love it more then!!

@ Robyn - I've already been in for a couple of months and it has been a challenge...I'm just hoping it gets better...

Bossy Betty said...

Wow. I was a Tiger leader and that just about did me in. I was a bad leader and didn't really follow the rules.

The Broderick Family Blog said...

I have a question. Why does Noelle have nearly 5 times the follows that you do? Does she bribe people...maybe she begs? Maybe you could ask her how she got so many followers.
I wonder how much it cost Columbus with inflation adjusted for today's rates.

Anonymous said...

These stickies made me wonder. All I remember about my scouting days at school is reaching half hour late for almost every 1 hour meet. I got caught a few times while joining the march-past through the school back gate. Sigh.

Venassa said...

Wow I had no idea scouts were that big. I know nothing about scouts.. well, until now, that is.

Julie said...

Enjoy your time as a scout leader. I have been part of scouting since Mike was 6, now 19. It is the worlds great club for boys/men to be involved in. Mike is the only scout in Troop 52 to have earned 52 merit badges above the ones needed for Eagle Scout. That is 7 palms. Mike was the youngest scout in our troop to have earned his Eagle Scout rank. I am a assistant scout leader, merit badge counsouler, treasurer, committee chair and parent. It is my wish that even thoug Mike is done with Boy Scouts, but not Venture Crew, I will be part of it for many years to come.
You won't regret the time and effort you put into your scouts. It is just plain amazing.
I'm proud of you for being a scout leader, YEAH!!!
Take care and God Bless!!