Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sneaky Boyfriend...

Shush! She doesn't know that I'm writing this.

 Hey y'all! How ya been? I hope you've been doing well. A small update from the boyfriend... I just got back from getting a massage today. Good gravy that was such a good hour! I've been having a lot of pain lately and a massage was just what I needed. Today marks the end of my three day weekend. It was fun while it lasted but all good things must come to an end. Or at least that's how the saying goes. I for one, believe that no good thing should ever end...but this is coming from the guy that believes that all tv and internet services should be free of charge for standard slow connections and local channels. You could totally pay for higher speeds or better channels but that's neither here nor there. I just wanted to gloat about my massage day is all. Hehe! Hope you all get a little bug in your ear and go get a massage sometime soon. It's sooo worth any amount of money that you have to pay. I for one only paid $30 for mine cause it's the first time at this new place I started going to. Ok better go before I get caught. ;) Talk to you all later!


Dazee Dreamer said...

dear boyfriend. your secret of getting on baby sisters blog is safe with me.

now, where was her phone number again?

Pat Tillett said...

My wife signed up for a massage package at a spa near us. Now she gets the introductory fee every month. I don't see the attraction to it, but you guys sure do! Enjoy!

Jolyn Lloyd Matthews said...

Jealous! I have been wanting to go, but the cheapest I can find here is $100...pre tip! I'm crossing my fingers that my hubby will get me (or us) one for Valentines.

jayayceeblog said...

You are a sneaky thing! I could definitely go for a massage. Good for you!!!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

$30 for a massage? Wow. It's worth the cost of a plane ticket to UT. What's the address?
Nice to meet you, boyfriend. Oh, and please don't mess up Babysis's puzzle again. If you do,you'll need to put it back together while blindfolded. Right, Amanda?

Bossy Betty said...

Ooooooooooo. Love those massages. Ooooooooooo.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'm JEALOUS! But I'm also glad you had such a fun day! :)

p.s. baby sister? Where have you disappeared to?