I have some Mike and Ikes, a bottle of water, and a blanket to help me tell this story
I switched my day off this week from Thursday to Tuesday so that Boyfriend and I could take a road trip up to the North Country, which in my dictionary is northern Utah...way northern Utah...closer to Idaho than anything else (in my oh so very humble opinion)
The year after I graduated High School, I made the very exciting decision to move away from home and go to Utah State University. Two of my sisters had gone there and I was very excited as they both loved the college immensely
It didn't end up being my best year...at all...but that's a different story for a different day
It was, however, a VERY good year to discover the bookstore and the fact that USU sells THE best sweatpants AND sweatshirts...I mean seriously!!
And, please note, by sweatpants I do NOT mean the kind with elastics around the ankles...I'm not that kind of girl. I mean this kind:
Well, more or less anyway...the looseness around the ankles is pretty close
Anyway, USU makes the best sweat material because it's in the North Country (that means it gets really cold)
I don't remember when it started, but the 2 sisters and I started making yearly trips to check out the bookstore and see if we could find something new that we liked
Another big part of the trip, for me anyway, was this food called Marv 'n Joe
It's just a piece of homemade bread with cheese, tomatoes, oil...and I don't remember what else
I know, I know...I can just make it at home...but it is not the same thing at all
Just trust me on that one
Anyway, after the last trip with the sisters, they said (from what I remember) that they didn't want to go again
Soooo instead of being a mean sister and making them go with my anyway, I became a desperate, pleading girlfriend and tempted asked very nicely got down on my hands and knees and begged and he, being the amazing boyfriend that he is, and fearing for his life taking the duct tape off his mouth and trying to untie his hands smiling he said yes
Now, when Boyfriend and I go on a road trip we do it right!! Snacks, drinks, the whole works
This story has become a lot longer than I expected...I'm working on it....
SO!! Where was I? Oh yeah, I was rambling...
Moving on from the rambling....Boyfriend and I got to the bookstore and did some shopping...I found a very nice, very warm, very thick zip up jacket/hoody type thing, a very cool, very pretty, purple I <3 USU cup, AND a travel size Where's Waldo collection book
The trip to the bookstore was fantabulous and I was very happy with the success that I had there, and I was really looking forward to having the same type of success at the food court area
We ran to the restroom on the way and then headed straight for the food court
We got in line and there was one girl ahead of us who was waiting for her food
This is what happened next:
Girl: "You can order, my food is just cooking"
I look ahead to see the dude who worked there as he looked back and saw us and then turned his back to us
Me to the girl: "No, it's okay, we can wait"
The guy turns around and I notice that he's slightly handicapped (not a bad thing, just saying)
He said something to me and then pointed to the pastries, but I couldn't understand what he said so I said "Oh, we just want two Marv 'n Joes"
gyj,gkhgjhyttiluiohemdghjdetyu7 jeh n (that was Boyfriend interrupting...)
So he said, much clearer this time, "We actually close at 2:00, but you can have one of these" (this is where he pointed at the pastries again)
I said no and back away very slowly, trying not to seem too disappointed
As I turned around I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see what time it was cause I hadn't realized it was so late
You know what time it said, friends? 2:01
Yes, that's right, one minute after 2:00 and the dude STILL wouldn't help me out
Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but that just doesn't seem right to me
I was raised working in a family business, and our rule was that if we were still there, we served the customers that came through the doors...that's just how it is in my family
So, being raised like that, and then being turned away 1 minute after closing hour? SO not cool
It completely destroyed the rest of the trip for me and we didn't even stop to get Aggie ice cream (the mascot is an Aggie) which is some of the BEST ice cream ever!!
Boyfriend kept trying to console me, telling me that maybe as part of his handicap he had to do things a certain way
I just kept thinking about the Marv 'n Joe that I did NOT get, and the dude turning his back on us and NOT helping us before and turning us away one minute after closing time
Maybe I'm the only one like that...but hopefully some of you feel my pain...
Grrr....it's not even like the rest of the food court was closing down. It wasn't!! He was the only one, he could have easily stayed open for a few more minutes
I'm over it now...slightly...
Boyfriend and I are going to go back in the Fall to get some sweatpants this time and try again...but this time we'll be sure to go before 2:00, no worries
Hence the title of the post. While I was at work that line came into my head, and I could very easily imagine the dude just pushing me right off the edge of a cliff into a barren wasteland of rotting and molding bread, tomatoes, and cheese
I was so so soooo not happy with the situation
However, it was a good day still. Boyfriend and I got to spend the day together, we got to take a road trip which both of us like doing, and we got to listen to Eclipse on CD (we're listening to them so he can know the story line...isn't he a good Boyfriend??)
So there you have it. Next time you own/run a business and someone comes 1 minute after you close, please let them in?? It's more money for you, so what's the real harm??
Okay, I have to go to bed...I know I was going to tell you about my pretty computer, but it will have to wait till tomorrow...I have to edit the picture a little first
The past two mornings I have been so tired I snoozed my alarm for an hour...and this morning it took me minutes to hear it every time it went off, and even when I got up to snooze it I was still mostly asleep...so I told Boyfriend we had to actually follow through with our plan to go our separate ways much earlier
Which means he is itching to go to bed...which means I need to get off
Prepare yourselves for another scintillating tale...this time it's about teaching technology to the older generation...it's great fun :)
I hope you all had a fabulous day!!