Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Remember when I said...

That there would be an 


of pictures today?

Well...I didn't have as much time as I thought I would to work on the pictures...

So it's gonna have to wait a day or two.

Ya see...I want it to be PERFECT for you my little blogging friends...

And I'm doing something extra to the pictures so it's taking slightly longer than normal...

But I promise it'll be worth it!!

And I promise you'll like it!!

So will you forgive me?

Pretty please?

I will leave you with a little story and picture to make it up to you.

One of my nephews just turned 4 last Saturday.

And this nephew of mine...loves dogs.

Not really just any dogs.


Especially those from 101 Dalmatians.

He has two dogs that he's named Spot and Lucky (I think those are the two)

You Spot and Lucky from the movie.

So somehow my sister found out about this life-sized Dalmatian dog

(It might have been the boy's mother that told her...not sure)

Anyway my sister Becca decided that we had to get it for him for his birthday.

And call it Pongo (you know...the Dalmatian dad in the movie...)

And get him a name tag and everything.

So me, her, Peach, and my other sister Tiff all went in on it together

(oh all right and their husbands too)

And we were SOOO excited to see his reaction. We just knew he would love it!!

He did NOT disappoint at all!! 

He was soooo adorable about it! 

He wouldn't let it go. He just kept hugging it and jumping on it

It was so cute!!

So his lovely mom just send us these two pictures that I am taking the liberty to share with you.

He was sleeping with it!! 

Isn't that just so adorable?!?!
And one more...

He's just so cute!!!!

Anyway, hopefully that will help make it up to you...

I promise!

Tomorrow or Friday!



Well, I have to go to bed so I can have energy to work tomorrow...


Night blogging friends!!!!


Dazee Dreamer said...

that is so cute. that darn thing is as big as him.

Baby Sister said...

I know!!!! He was in dog heaven!!

Bossy Betty said...

Oh, I just know he was excited beyond belief! Such a wonderful present. He'll always remember it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! And that is real! I mean, can you believe it, that baby of 4 is hugging and sleeping with this jumbo sized cute-looking dog and I would be scared to even touch a puppy! Wow.

Baby Sister said...

:D He was so cute with it Betty!!

I know, crazy right Girl? :)